Demos Done Right: Mastering SaaS Demo Videos That Sell

Prospects want SaaS demo videos when they’re not quite ready to seal the deal. 

But the sales team can’t seem to get through the mountain of demo requests. Sales won’t stop when you have SaaS demo videos that basically do the heavy sales lifting for you. 

A company’s marketing survey revealed what content has buyers swooning. And the top runners? Video tutorials and product demonstrations.

Yes, you read that right! In today’s world, the power of a relatable product video cannot be matched, most especially if it helps and meets the pain points of its users.

So, if you’re a SaaS looking to make a lasting impression on your users, it might be time to put on your director’s hat and start churning out some top-notch product demos.

But with so many video elements and techniques that go into creating effective SaaS content, where do you even start?

Don’t worry, we’ve got the 6 best practices you need to keep in mind when crafting your very own eye-catching and engaging SaaS demo videos.

What great SaaS demo videos look like

Of course, we have to use Hotjar’s videos as the top example. Ahem, we helped produce it.

SaaS demo videos

Watch the Hotjar vid here

This video makes college students feel like they won’t graduate without Grammarly. So yeah, it makes the list.

SaaS demo videos

Watch the Grammarly video

Tossing tables and slapping coffee cups? This ClickUp SaaS explainer video is sooo relatable, especially for software engineers.

SaaS demo videos

Watch the ClickUp video

Getting the best out of that demo

So how can you make a sassy product video like these 3 videos above?

Buckle up and let’s get to work because we’re about to unleash the ultimate demo video hacks. Follow these tips to turn your SaaS demo video from zero to hero.

1. Perfect your elevator pitch

When it comes to product demos, first impressions count.

That’s why nailing your pitch is essential to give your demo video the attention it deserves. If you want to hook potential customers and investors from the get-go, you’ll need to craft a brief and compelling summary of your offering. Think of it as your very own elevator pitch in video form.

Keep it short, sweet, and punchy to make a lasting impression. With the right opening, your demo video will be one step closer to converting all your SaaS trials.


2. Keep it crisp

Are you tired of watching endless product demos that put you straight to sleep? We hear you!

Ditch the monotony and focus on the highlights. Our video guide on showcasing your product in the most engaging and concise way possible will have you stealing the show in no time.

Why explain every little detail when you can keep things interesting by showing off the cream of the crop? Trust us, your viewers will thank you for it. So, get ready to put on your director’s hat and create a video that has an edge.

3. Don’t let the energy wane

Keep the crowd on their feet and show them who’s boss with a playful tune or two! Hit the notes that resonate with them and keep them engaged.

No one wants to see their SaaS demo video turn into a drag, and audio is just the ticket to keep the vibe. Some upbeat rhythms or mellow melodies can make all the difference.

So why not add some enticing sound effects or tunes to give your demo that extra spark it needs?

After all, a demo without music is like a cupcake without icing – it’s just not as fun!


4. Add an element of surprise

Looking to spice up your videos and leave your audience begging for more?

Look no further than adding an element of surprise with a witty quip, clever demonstration, or creatively insightful moment at the end. In short, inject humor!

Trust us, your viewers will thank you for keeping them on their toes and giving them something unexpected to remember you by.

So go ahead, make them laugh, teach them something new, and leave them wanting more with the perfect surprise ending. Who says good things can’t come in unexpected packages?


5. Don’t cram too much info

Make sure your SaaS demo video doesn’t become overwhelming too quickly!

Instead, slice and dice your content up into bite-sized, easily digestible segments. Your viewers will thank you for sparing them the mind-numbing overload of non-stop info dumping.

Plus, it’s much easier to remember and appreciate the value of your product when it’s presented in palatable portions. So, give your audience the gift of content organization and enjoy the perks of more engaged and satisfied clients.


6. A good demo requires real actors

Get ready for a SaaS demo that’s more than just a snooze-fest!

Ditch the boring graphics and step into the world of real-life scenarios with the help of some talented actors. Don’t settle for a disconnected demo that makes your audience reach for their sleep button; give them a relatable experience that they WILL engage with.

Not to mention that 4 out of 5 consumers find demo videos useful– so make it r-e-l-a-t-a-b-l-e.

Plus, live action video is already being used by 66% of video marketers in 2022. It’s about time to join the bandwagon.

So, who says software demos have to be dull? Bring your product to life and show your potential customers what they’ve been missing.

Let the actors take center stage and watch as your audience becomes fully invested in your product. This is the demo that will leave them begging for more!

In an nutshell 🥚

While it’s unclear which came first, the chicken or the egg when it comes to delivering SaaS product demos, what is clear is the difficulty of getting them right.

Your team has to work diligently on content that keeps viewers interested but isn’t a grueling half hour-long slog.

Demonstrating your product’s capabilities and potential in a strategic way can help tackle the inherent challenge of getting people ready for your SaaS.

With eggcrate as a helpful guide, it doesn’t have to feel like an “eggs-asperating” task. Get started right away by talking to us.

Let eggcrate’s materials be your toolbox – our professional team focuses on getting you set up for success so that you can get down to business fast.

Embrace the power of storytelling and take advantage of eggcrate’s expertise.

Talk to eggcrate today and let’s hatch a plan!


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