What Makes a Good Explainer Video? (Especially for Your SaaS)

The *new* kind of explainer videos are the talk of the SaaS-y town.

Yes, good explainer videos are excellent marketing tools that demonstrates how your software works, what problems it solves, and how it actually works. All of this in just 60-120 seconds (you’d be crazy not to use it).

But these kinds of videos are different from the plain, boring ones — they actually capture attention, earn millions of views, and drive new users.

Creating a bomb SaaS explainer is easier than ever with the right structure.

For sure, you might want to include everything good about your SaaS but without an engaging structure and outline, your video will be all over the place and viewers will get lost.

The ending?

Even if your SaaS video is packed with content, it won’t be of any value unless you outline a good structure and highlight the main points.

But, worry not!

Throughout this blog post, we’ll discuss the most important elements to consider in creating an effective SaaS explainer.

So, what makes a good SaaS explainer? Let’s find out.

5 main points of a SaaS explainer

You should make your SaaS explainer sturdy from the ground up. 

The structure is like the skeletal system that enables everything else to stand on its own. Without it, you’ll have jiggly videos with no substance or meaning – and they won’t provide value for customers.

The process of designing SaaS video content begins with strategy, and in this initial step, the following main points will be discussed in detail:


1.Briefly describe the challenge

First things first, find out what the challenge is.

Just like any middle school science experiment, without a clear understanding of the problem, it is impossible to provide a solution – and one of the main points of your SaaS explainer is to offer solutions.

But how do we identify the problem? Nope, you’re not just gonna pull out an imaginary situation out of thin air– you’ll need facts, dear.

That’s why understanding your customers’ pain points is necessary.

Do research, information gathering and documentation. Put all the FAQs from your clients into an easy understandable content. Remember that this data is not just for your eyes. It’s going to tailor future sales.

In the long-run, when the time comes to make adjustments or changes to your process, it will be extremely valuable.

Bottom line is, be sure to draw in your audience in the first few seconds of your SaaS explainer by building rapport. Microsoft published a study that found people only have an attention span of 8 seconds for video and 10 to 15 seconds to grab the viewer’s interest.

Here’s another fact: According to Facebook, 65% of viewers who watch the first 3 seconds of a video will watch it for at least ten seconds more, and 45% will watch it for 45 seconds.

– so take advantage, get them on board real quick.


2. Explain how your brand can solve the problem

A good explainer video do one thing great. They show off all of those complex, innovative products or services in the most simplest way. But showing off your features isn’t only meant for that sole purpose.

You showcase your SaaS to display your value, to help solve a problem, and most importantly, to make lives easier.

But also, keep in mind that explainers usually sit on top of the funnel where 85% of consumers want to see more video content, meaning that video can increase conversion rates by up to 80% (Explainify).

And since it serves as an intro, be sure not to give everything out right away like it’s a thesis or something. Make the problem more bearable by mentioning a bull’s eye way to deal with it.


3.Get to the bottom of how you’ll make a difference

This is the part where you make them go “wow”.

And clients are usually wowed by numbers. Let’s be real, the numbers make you look more credible.

There’s always a psychology in numbers especially when it comes to marketing. Statistics is proof. As rapidboost writes it, “Concrete, specific numbers always seems to appeal to buyers.”

So go ahead and include numbers on your SaaS video explainers, for example, on how your brand helped a B2B increase sales or add the conversion percentage of another company when they chose your platform.

Ultimately, inject proven data and facts. One could never go wrong when armed with empirical evidence.


4. Demonstrate your credibility

Speaking of numbers, below is Wyzowl’s list why you must include reviews and testimonials on your next SaaS video:


  • Customer reviews are more trustworthy than what businesses say about themselves, according to 9 out of 10 respondents.
  • Almost 80% of people who have seen a brand’s testimonial video have purchased their product or service as a result of watching the video.
  • Approximately 2 out of 3 people are more likely to purchase a product, service, or business after watching a testimonial video.
  • It has been reported that 47% of people find testimonial videos effective because they give a detailed picture of how a product or service works in real life.
  • A majority of people (95%) say that reviews influence their purchasing decisions, regardless of whether they are positive or negative.

There’s something about a testimonial video that really resonates with people. And it has the power to make them feel like they’re part of your story and what you’re doing, leading to clicks and sales for your SaaS explainer.


5. Describe the action you want to take

There’s no doubt that a strong call-to-action is crucial for any business, and SaaS companies in particular are always looking at ways they can get their customers hooked on their product

A call-to-action is a statement or an order that prompts an audience to take a specific action. It could be something like “call us now”, “visit our website”, or “subscribe to our channel”.

By including a call-to-action, you are giving your audience a clear next step to take. This makes it more likely for them to take action and engage with your brand further.

Also, mentioning what you’ll do once someone signs up or makes an investment will help them feel confident about making these decisions as well- knowing there’s some kind of incentive and things are going smoothly.


More points in creating the bomb SaaS explainer

There are many things to consider when creating a good explainer video. Here are three more key points that’ll help make your SaaS explainer video go off with a bang:


1.Keep it Short and Sweet

When you’re trying to get your point across in a few slides, SaaS explainers are perfect. Keep it short and sweet without losing any essential information about what the product does or how it works.

From our experience in doing videos, the sweet spot is around 60-90 seconds.


2. Put your USP on display

Your company’s uniqueness will be the selling point of your service. It can help potential customers understand how you differ from other companies and what makes yours so special.

If you’re struggling to find your “story”, then focusing on your USP will help.

This is because it features an interesting and creative way of presenting the benefits that will make your SaaS so desirable in today’s market place – without being boring or overlong.

Here’s a visual to help you locate that USP:

What makes a good explainer video

Source: What Is Unique Selling Point? Ultimate Guide | ProfileTree

Since in reality, being the only SaaS product that does 1 thing is impossible. You’ll always have competitors.

So, find that spot where you offer something different, something that customers really want and something that only you can provide.


3. Use live action videos

Among businesses using video marketing, 42% use live-action videos, 33% use animated videos, and 15% use screen recordings.

A live-action video is a cinematic production in which real actors act in realistic settings. It can be a great way to introduce interactivity and emotion to your content.

What makes a good explainer video

Still doubting?

Big SaaS brands like Grammarly, Descript, and ClickUp already do this. They use professional actors in their SaaS marketing videos…and yes, their SaaS explainers are effective.

As it turns out, live videos are the future of SaaS video explainers.

For SaaS conversions, use live action videos to stick and stand out. They are effective because they incorporate storytelling, professional actors and real emotions.


Now go make your explainer videos great

Structure may be key, but it doesn’t mean your SaaS explainer must be uptight and be no fun. So add in some personality and make sure your

potential customers know that using your SaaS product is going to be a blast.

But don’t forget the most important part: showing them why they should care about your SaaS and how you can actually simplify their lives. If you can nail all of these things, you’re on your way to creating a good explainer video that will help increase conversions and grow your SaaS.

If you’re still unsure of how to create a well-structured explainer video that hits your target audience, then let’s talk.

eggcrate is here to help.

We make live action videos that convert through storytelling, professional actors & real emotions. Not animated videos that look alike.

Luckily, we can make things easier for you. We’d be happy to share our expertise and help you create a live action video that sells your product—and does it in style.

Hop on a no-strings attached call with us today and we’ll give you clarity on your SaaS video.


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